Friday, October 19, 2012

Hoarding Gift Cards?

Hi, my name is Jessica and I hoard gift cards.

Am I the only person that hoards gift cards?  Please someone tell me I'm not. 

Last night, while cleaning out a "junk basket", I found 7 gift cards.  I'm sure I knew they existed at one point or another, but had forgotten about at least 5 of them.  The other 2 I specifically hid from myself so I wouldn't run out and spend them and then promptly forgot.

Some of those gift cards are so old, I'm really not sure who gave them to me/Kevin or when.  Prime Example - there is a $50 American Eagle gift card in there.  When was the last time that either of us shopped at American Eagle?  Oh wait, I know - when I was shopping for my 17 year old cousin a year ago.  So, I'll guess this one is 4 years old?

Gift Card #2 - Starbucks.  This one is only for $15, and I specifically remember hiding it from myself so I would have it on a rainy day when I realllly needed a grande caramel macchiato and as many of those little petite vanilla scones as I could afford.  But really, when do I have time to go to Starbucks and why would I go when the hotel has an UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF COFFEE? This sucker went in my purse, and one of these days I'm going to treat myself.  And maybe my husband too if he is behaving himself.

Gift Card #3 - Bed Bath and Beyond.  I think I got this one as a freebie during the 2010 wedding-palooza Kevin and I had going on.  You know, because I bought approximately $500 worth of Calphalon products in one shopping trip.  And you know I kept that gift card for myself.  Except now, I don't want to spend it because whatifimightneedit?! Seriously, no one is getting married between now and the end of 2012 and I really seriously am dying for new pillows.  Hello, one free pillow for Jessica!

Gift Cards #4 and #5 are both for IKEA.  These are from our wedding and I am saving them for when we get our own house.  Right, I am well aware that was supposed to happen in 2009, but HELLO LIFE. So, back in the basket they went.

Hello My Love.... (and Meatballs!)
 Gift Card #6 - Banana.  Oh yes, I just found a way to validate the ridiculously expensive blazer that I want.  It's on sale RIGHT NOW for $148, and there is a 25% off code (BRCREATE until 10/21) and I have a $50 gift card.  Dude, that $198 blazer is going to be mine for $61.

Gift Card #7 - Dicks.  I'm sure this is hubby's, but I could really really really use some new yoga-ish pants for the fall.  My UA is cold-gear so I sweat like a man when I wear it, and my grey yoga pants def have a hole in an inappropriate location.  Decision time: should I assume KG forgot about it and just swipe it, or should I ask nicely and put emphasis on the hole in my current pants?

So, I guess I can do a little shopping in the next few days and not feel totally guilty about it.  That's a win.  And I got a basket of miscellaneous crap cleaned out, so that's a double win!

Happy Rainy Friday, now go spend some dough :)

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