Sunday, October 7, 2012

Friends Get You Through

I did not want to entertain last night, I did not want to drink, I just wanted to sit on the sofa and watch Honey Boo Boo*. 

Kevin, Brian, and Andrew had other ideas. I got home from a fantastic 12 hour day at work, to find 3 hungry men in the living room.  13 chili dogs later (yes, seriously), we were West Chester bound.  How does that happen you ask?  Truthfully, I have no idea.  Except that Brian, Kevin, and Andrew make such a fun grouping that they'll convince you to do anything.  Anything last night involved going to the bar at 9pm and staying until 1am.  Add in two towers of beer, a 40th birthday party, and some "people watching" and it was a quality night.

Not the Saturday night I had planned, but for hours (or maybe an hour), I didn't think about anything but drinking, my friends, and crazy college kid antics.  These are the kind of people that I know will help me through the tough times, and celebrate the good times. Thanks guys, for being some of the greatest friends a girl could ask for. And special thanks to my awesome Husband for being so cute (and humoring E's need for photos).

*Note: I've never actually seen that show, but have heard so much about it, that I decided it was worth a shot. Now I still haven't seen it, so I guess I'll add that to my "to do" list.

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