Monday, June 20, 2011

CSA - Week 3

Today was our third CSA pick-up, and I FINALLY got to go pick-up our share! This week's was so colorful, this was exactly the picture I had in my mind when I signed up for this! 

From Left to Right - Beets (in red bag), Lettuce, Dill, Kolrhabi (purple things), Heirloom Tomatoes, Cucumber, Red Potatoes, and Shelling Peas

We're doing tacos tomorrow, not very exciting - I know, but I need to finish some last week's butter lettuce, in addition to finishing the last of the store bought tomatoes.  

I do have a great pizza planned for the heirloom tomatoes, and Kevin has requested my lemon orzo salad with dill.  As for those beets - there will absolutely be some red beet eggs in my future.  That's the part where I eat the eggs and make my mom eat the beets.  But, before anyone yells at me - I will be grilling and roasting beets as well, because I'm willing to be adventurous.  Also, if I have to eat the beets, the men are absolutely going down with me. 

<3 J


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