Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Phillies Take Pittsburgh

A short (haha) drive to Pittsburgh was so worth it for the weekend we got to spend with our god daughter!! 

We got to take the cutie pie to the Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium, for ice cream at Remember When in McKee's Rocks, and to the Pirates/Phils game! I have to admit, it was a packed, but wonderful weekend! 

They have dairy free, sugar free, something for kiddies - this is the bambino cone - which was almost as cute as the little girl eating it! 

This photo reminds me of The Hangover, and is the most adorable representation of Kevin in 10 years! hehe - kidding - sort of 

Autumn loved the fishes, since she could get so close-up to them.  She had a great time with her mommy, daddy, god mommy, and god daddy! 

The stadium at night, just before the fire works! 
I could probably be convinced to make that crappy 5 hour drive again if it meant I got to spend 2 great days with such a cutie! 


  1. That picture of Kevin and the baby is too cute!!

  2. Agreed - he loved carrying her like that and when she got all excited she kicks her feet!


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