Friday, February 4, 2011

Delayed Honeymoon: Goodbye Paris (for now)

Wednesday morning we had a few last stops to make before we hopped on the train again to head South.

First stop - well, actually 3 train stops later - we were at Pixi & Cie! This is the store that made our cake topper.  *Which, my wonderful bridesmaids so wonderfully tracked down and purchased for me* It was a gorgeous store, although a bit expensive.  Kevin & I did manage to find two gorgeous pieces that we could both afford and wanted to bring home with us - one of the Eiffel Tower and one of Maillot Jaune! Both were intended to take places of honor on our Christmas Tree, along with the wedding ornament. 

A quick lunch - Kevin's was filled with chocolate -

and then back to John & Stacy's apartment one last time.  We said goodbye to their wonderful dog Lola (who loved Kevin & he loved her back). 

A quick walk to the wrong train station and we were on our way to Cannes.  Yes, that's right - I said the wrong train station.  See, when we came into Paris, we came into Paris Norde.  So, since I had purchased our tickets to and from the same place, I assumed.... Well, safe to say I assumed incorrectly, because we got to Paris Norde, and there was no 3:40 train to Cannes.  A panic-filled 5 minute train ride, and we found our way to the correct train station - Gare de Lyon.  I completely felt like an idiot, and probably apologized to Kevin 500 times, but he swore it was okay. Oh well, considering how much planning I put into the trip, I suppose I was guaranteed to screw it up somewhere.

Time to relax, in our first class seats, and enjoy the view.
(Don't go thinking we're all high rollers because we were traveling first class - it's nothing like flying first class, more like it was just an easy way to have internet)

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