Sunday, February 6, 2011

Delayed Honeymoon: The final day...

Saturday was sadly, the last day of our wonderful 10 day honeymoon.  Yopie and Timmie had big plans for us, the beach and dinner with friends (Ken & Monique!).

The beach was beautiful.. and hot.. and topless. 
Don't worry, the only topless photos I'll show you are of the men :)

Bas, Kevin, and Timmie had a great time playing catch in the water, while the girls mostly floated. 

I read almost an entire book that day on the beach.  And also got sufficiently toasted by the sun.  We all laid under umbrellas, on beach chairs and enjoyed the relaxing day! We took a break at lunch for food & rose (because why not drink 2 bottles of wine at lunch, split between 4 people, on a Saturday). Right, that's the way the dutchies did things, and we were more than happy to join right in!

A slightly cramped ride back to La Salamadra, and there was time for a little relaxing before dinner.  Ken and Monique brought beautiful tomatoes, and I could have eaten just those for dinner - although the rest of the meal was wonderful as well!

One last, or 10 last rounds of Shithead (the European version of the card game Bullshit) with Emma and Bas, and Kevin and I headed to bed.   I was so sad to think that we would be leaving at 5am the next morning, to plane hop our way home. 

Timmie was amazing, and took us to the airport in the morning - about a 45 minute drive.  A bit longer line than we'd anticipated at the airport in Nice, but we made it on our plane in plenty of time! Nice to Frankfurt, a change of planes, and my husband got us in biggggg trouble.  Well, mostly some moody TSA agents gave him hell for stepping over the line rather than going around.  While the line had zero people in it. Right. Frankfurt to Philly was a long flight, and I got teased relentlessly for reading a book and watching 2 (or 3?) movies.  Home safely in Philadelphia, my wonderful inlaws picked us up, and brought us home. 

Home. such a wonderful vacation...... now back to the real world.

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