*Warning, photo heavy post*
Our train got into Cannes on Wednesday night, and Timmie and Emma picked us up. Well, they came to get us, and mostly make fun of the amount of luggage that we packed for our 10 day trip. It was like they expected us to only bring on carryon sized bag or something?!?! Whatever, it fit in their van, and that was all that mattered at the time! We headed back to La Salamandra - "the compound" - where the ever wonderful Yopie had made dinner! Yay food! We're so easy to please sometimes.
Then it was off to take photos of the house, the pool, everything - this was a once in a lifetime kind of vacation!
Front of the House |
Well, why not play ping pong in the driveway? |
back of the house, looking up from the pool |
Pool, heaven, yes please! |
Thursday we woke up late - and found freshly baked bread! With Nutella! Laying around the pool for the day was relaxing, refreshing, and wonderful! Later that night we headed into Cannes for the Thursday night fireworks. The fireworks are a regular occurance in Cannes throughout the summer and are sponsored by different firework manufacturers, and the viewers get to vote for their favorite. We hung out for about an hour before we figured out that the fireworks had been postponed to Friday. So... back to the house, and some rose!
Friday morning our wonderful hosts drove us to the train station, where Kevin and I hopped on the train to take a ride into Monte Carlo! Yes, home of the Grand Prix! Supposedly it "never rains in Monaco" but you'd better believe it rained on Friday, July 30th damnit. And we're so cool, we bought an umbrella. A freaking $50 umbrella. But, we stayed dry and were able to stalk cars - because wasn't that half the point?!
Beautiful cars around every corner..
So many of them around the circle that is in front of the casino. I can't imagine how much Valet Parking must cost, I was scared justreading the dress code!
We grabbed a map - because that race course is complicated - and got walking! Yep, we walked about 2 miles of curbing and roads, and only got lost a few times. There was lots of hanging out on the red and white curbing - how often do you get to do this in a lifetime!!
And do you recognize this turn?
The Prince of Monaco also has a car museum in the city, and we spent a few hours there looking at everything from stage coaches to Ferraris!
And one more for Christopher -
Oh right, except the day wasn't over yet! Remember those fireworks we were supposed to see on Thursday, yes they got rescheduled for Friday! Back on the train to Cannes, to meet with the Dutchies. We found a seat on the wall, and did quite a bit of people watching before the fireworks started!
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Okay, time for bed. We were exhausted, and I needed to download some photos. Because I did the unthinkable, and filled the entire memory card!