Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Delayed Honeymoon - The sun goes down &

....The lights come on!  Yes, I mean "those" lights.  It started out as a convenient location search, and ended with me being the coolest wife ever when I booked our hotel in Red Light District. 

Renaissance Amsterdam
After dinner, we ventured out of the touristy neighborhood and found the real "Red Light District"
The curtains are closed when the ladies are not there, or when they are "occupied".  During the day, most of the windows are closed, and they gradually open and the lights come on after 6 or 7pm.  Thanks to a Dutchie who had been to a few too many "coffee shops", Kevin and I leared about the different light colors.

Red Lights - Ladies
Blue Lights - Transsexual

Definetly helpful information, well if you're interested in the ladies, that is.  We did see one man who was extremely embarassed after he attempted to visit with a blue light!

It was so easy to stay up too late, since it was very light out until around 10pm, and we had taken a serious nap.  But, we made ourselves sleep because we were meeting up with Anneke & Peter (some of our Dutchie friends) on Saturday!

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